Re: flyers of raves/clubs with a mainly LGBT crowd?

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Posted by THERAVECAVE ( on 17:08:21 24/August/16

In Reply to: Re: flyers of raves/clubs with a mainly LGBT crowd? posted by Weed

: : ...rave flyers from UK clubs/raves with a mainly LGBT crowd
: were there any particular flyers you were after Mike?
: do you have a good selection of The Fruit Machine (London) flyers?

Hi Weed
Hope you are good.
My friend Luca is compiling an exhibition of LGBT rave flyers in Florence, Italy in November 2016. He is particularly interested in Blitz nights and Taboo nights from the 1980's but also Trade and Heaven nights - I don't know about the Fruit Machine and don't have any flyers from this night. He has bought every flyer I have sent to him so far. Many of the UK flyers, as you know, don't openly advertise themselves as gay nights because the rave scene changed the moral attitudes of clubbers, so many ravers were as happy going to mixed nights if the atmosphere was good rather than risking the usual beer monster/fighting/tracy/popular music nights the rave scene abhorred so much. So it is difficult for me to get flyers that I am sure he is looking for. As he is compiling an exhibition I want to help him in any way I can so I guess I am looking for advice and information on any clubs that were either LGBT or specifically advertised themselves as open in this respect.
If you have flyers you could loan for the exhibition I could certainly ask if Luca would return them afterwards if this is what you are asking?
Thanks Weed your a star

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