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Posted by THERAVECAVE ( on 17:18:38 23/October/09

In Reply to: SHOP CLOSING SHORTLY...... posted by Cheesy Quaver Raver Shop

I have been selling flyers on and off for a few years and am also seriously considering shutting the shop - costs me £15 a month for the privilege of a shop but what really hacks me off is that the free postage and packaging also applies to CD's and Records - CD's if posted properly in a padded envelope costs about £90 & cost of envelope and a 12" coast between £2-£2.50 if posted properly in a record mailer with stiffeners! This basically means relisting everything again with new prices that include postage. My view on the flyers is that providing buyers are buying a few at a time then the postage cost is OK but A3 flyers cost about £2 to post so I have had to end all of my listings for these and A4 flyers cost over 50p so is it really worth listing them if people are going to buy them singularly? It will be interesting to see how this affects rave flyers on Ebay and I guess like other sellers there really isn't anything positive about the change!!

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